After four packed and exciting days together, we can now confidently say that the Visionssummit 2024 was a truly transformative experience!
Jewish participants from across Germany came together to reflect on themes of belonging, community, inclusivity and the future of Jewish life. Over 70 inspiring young individuals explored their personal connections to Judaism, shared meaningful experiences, and found renewed energy to strengthen their local communities.
The summit offered a platform for deep discussions about our struggles and triumphs in seeking a sense of belonging. It was profoundly moving to witness the openness with which participants shared their thoughts and feelings and how much we could all learn from each other.
Through engaging workshops and collaborative discussions, we exchanged ideas and tackled shared challenges. The passion and dedication in the room were tangible as we envisioned a vibrant future for Jewish life in Germany together.
We hope everyone left the summit feeling inspired, equipped with new tools, and ready to create inclusive, welcoming spaces in their own communities.
One participant captured the essence of the event beautifully: “Community is not a place or denomination; it’s the people who make it up.”This sentiment was reflected in the many motivated, caring and creative individuals at the summit, all deeply committed to building a sustainable future for Jewish life in Germany.
The Visionssummit 2024 demonstrated the immense power of connection and collaboration. Now, it’s your turn to take action. Let’s carry forward the lessons, ideas, and sense of belonging cultivated during the summit.Stay connected with Hillel Deutschland for more opportunities to learn, grow, and create change. Let’s continue this journey together!
This program is supported by the Alfred Landecker Foundation and the Erasmus+ project of the European Commission.